Common Names:- None
Homotypic Synonyms:- Vicia purpurascens, Vicia ssp. purpurascens.
Meaning:- Vicia (L) Binder, to bind, a name used by the Roman naturalist and
philosopher Pliny for vetch.
Pannonica (L) From SW Hungary
Striata (L) Ridged, striped, with a rippled or lined surface
General description:- Suberect, sparingly branched ± appressed-pilose, annual.
1) 20-50 cm, sulcate.
1) 5-10 paired, 8-30 x 2-7 mm,
2) Leaflets, usually oblong, truncate, apiculate, tendril simple or branched.
3) Stipules, small, ovate, acuminate, usually with a dark glandular patch.
1) 1-3, nodding, short-pedi cellate in the axils of several of the upper leaves, forming
a ± unilateral inflorescence.
2) Calyx, narrowly campanulate, slightly gibbous, pilose:
a) teeth, linear-setaceous, somewhat unequal, the longest equalling or
exceeding tube.
3) Corolla, 15-22 mm, tawny mauve or dull purplish.
1) Legume, nodding, oblong, densely appressed-pilose.
2) Seeds, 3-6, subglobose, smooth
Key features:-
1) Upper leaves, with a branched tendril.
2) Corolla, tawny mauve to dull purplish
Habitat:- Usually a weed of cultivated and fallow fields, occasionally in semi-natural
meadows and open woodland. 0-600 (-1i00) m.
Distribution:- Throughout Greece, but rare in the west and lacking on the Ionian
Islands - Widespread in Europe and SW Asia. First recorded from Crete by Wilfried
Kaufmann on Gavdos in 2012. The first record from mainland Crete was by
Dimokratia Vrentzou from the area of Minoa Pediados
Flowering time:- Apr to early-June.
Photos by:- Dimokratia Vrentzou